Sons of the American Legion Programs

Sons of The American Legion continues to provide services to those in need in the local communities, through programs and events. These are just some of the programs we support.


Child Welfare Foundation

The Child Welfare Foundation is a not-for-profit corporation which has two primary purposes. First, to contribute to the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual welfare of children and youth through the dissemination of knowledge about new and innovative organizations. Second, the CWF makes wider and more effective use of knowledge already possessed by well-established organizations. To attain these goals, the CWF raises money and awards grants to organizations which help children. All administrative costs of the Child Welfare Foundation are borne by The American Legion so that 100% of all money raised for the Foundation is used exclusively for grants.


Wreaths Across America

The mission of Wreaths Across America is to Remember, Honor, Teach, which is carried out in part by coordinating wreath laying ceremonies a specified Saturday in December at Arlington, as well as veterans’ cemeteries and other locations in all 50 states and beyond.  We also organize a week of events including international veteran’s tributes, ceremonies at State Houses and a week-long “Veteran’s Parade” between Maine and Virginia where we stop along the way to spread our message about the importance of remembering our fallen heroes, honoring those who serve, and teaching our children about the sacrifices made by veterans and their families to preserve our freedoms.


Operation Comfort Warriors

The American Legion’s Operation Comfort Warriors (OCW) program was created to provide “nonessential” – items that help wounded warriors in their recovery but don’t usually show up as a budget line on government spreadsheets. The Legion contacts officials at military hospitals, warrior transition units and surrounding communities, and obtains lists to determine which items are most needed by wounded, injured or ill service members. Once a need is identified, the items are ordered by the Legion and delivered in an expeditious manner. 

To learn more about The American Legion and Sons of the American Legion Programs Click Here.