Champeau-Vilandre American Legion Post 109
Did you know?
1943 – German forces begin a six-day evacuation of the Italian island of Sicily, having been beaten back by the Allies, who invaded the island in July.
Mission: The American Legion was chartered and incorporated by congress in 1919 as a patriotic veterans organization devoted to mutual helpfulness. Its the nation's largest wartime veteran service organizations, committed to mentoring youth and sponsorship of wholesome programs in our communities, advocating patriotism and honor, promoting strong national security, and continued devotion to our fellow service members and veterans.
Vision: The American Legion basis its program off four basic pillars. Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation, to improve the lives of those who served along with their family and dependents; National Security, the key to peace and world stability is a strong well reinforced defense; Americanism, making a difference in our communities; and Children and Youth, which has 3 goals: strengthen the family unit, support organizations that help children and provide communities with well rounded programs to provide hope and opportunity for people facing difficult challenges.
American Legion History
Chartered in 1919, the focus of The American Legion has always been on service to veterans, service members and communities. It evolved from a group of war-weary veterans of WWI into one of the most influential non profit groups in the U.S.
Who We Are
The American Legion is the nations largest and most power organization of US wartime veterans and their families. Since its inception The American Legion has delivered substantial improvements for veterans, families, and communities.
Become A Member
The American Legion works everyday on behalf of US service men and women. It's recognized as a leader in transition assistance from military to civilian life, providing resources of carriers, education, childcare and more.